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Million bells, also known as Calibrachoa, is a vibrant annual flower that is closely related to petunias. With its small, bell-shaped blooms and cascading growth, million bells is a favorite for gardeners looking to add a burst of color to their landscapes, porches, or containers. In this blog post, we will walk you through everything you need to know to successfully garden with million bells.

Now that the spring season is here, we're diving headfirst into the sweet world of strawberry gardening. Growing strawberries is a fun growing experience as it is not only fruitful, but easy to plant and tend to, making it fun for everyone! Our Green Team has gathered their expert advice here for you to get started on your strawberry growing journey. 

As spring emerges into its full season, many gardening enthusiasts eagerly anticipate the opportunity to cultivate fresh herbs in their gardens. Herb gardening not only adds flavor and fragrance to your culinary creations but also offers a host of health benefits and the satisfaction of growing your own ingredients. If you're considering delving into herb gardening this spring, but you're wary of soft-leaved herbs due to lingering cold temperatures, fear not! There are plenty of robust herbs perfectly suited for spring planting.

Mulch is like the icing on the cake for your garden beds – it not only adds a finishing touch to your landscape but also serves a multitude of purposes. Among the myriad of options available, cedar bark mulch, hardwood mulch, cypress mulch, pine bark mulch, and pine straw stand out as popular choices here at our garden center. Let's delve into each of these options to understand their pros and cons, helping you decide which one is best suited for your landscape needs.