Container Days

Container Days
Year-Round Locations and Seasonal Garden Markets

This Memorial Day weekend, let your garden ambitions take root at McDonald Garden Center's Container Days, from May 24th to 27th, 2024. Create vibrant displays of blooms, fresh arrays of veggies, or special arrangements that showcase your unique style. Container gardening offers endless possibilities for all green thumbs.
What we're unveiling:

Showcase Spectacular: Stroll through our curated container garden exhibits, each one a testament to the unique charm and vibrancy of our local flora. Get inspired to bring a piece of Hampton Roads to your home.
DIY Potting Bar: Grab a pot and get planting at our hands-on station. You pick the plants, you create the magic, and you leave the mess behind. It's all the fun with none of the fuss!
Gardening Wisdom: Our Green Team experts are on hand to share their specialized knowledge. They'll guide you through selecting and nurturing plants that flourish in our local climate.

Highlight your weekend with a visit on Saturday, May 25th at 11 AM to see Mike Westphal, the Garden Guru, in action at our Independence location. Mike’s demo will dive deep into the secrets of successful container gardening, tailored to our region. Join us for a weekend of dirt, design, and discovery. Celebrate the start of the season by planting new ideas and cultivating your community spirit!