A juicy garden favorite

Who doesn’t love strawberries? Those juicy red berries are a sure sign that warm has arrived! One of our favorite berries, are Chandler Strawberries. And, did you know that Chandler is the leading strawberry variety sold in supermarkets. They produce fruit that is conically-shaped ranging in size. When ready to be picked, the berries are red, firm, juicy, sweet and tangy. The number of berries per plant will depend on the size of the plant and overall condition of the roots and stems. Chandler strawberry plants drop their fruits in late May or early June.

Chandler strawberry plants thrive in the southern states during the spring. They require full sunlight, sufficient water and well-drained soil; too much water can cause the roots to rot. We recommend planting in single rows about 8 to 14 inches apart or in double rows that are 1 to 2 feet apart. Healthy, mature plants have shallow roots and stems that grow to about 8 inches tall. Strawberry plants can also grow from seed or clippings; plant them in small containers with fresh soil. Available in strawberry baskets for $19.99, or individually at $2.99.

Be sure to join us this Saturday, March 30 at 11:00am to create your very own strawberry jar using Chandler strawberries. Get the juicy details >>
