Taylor’s Garden: Houseplant Picks Taylor-ed to Your Favorite Era

Welcome to your go-to guide for houseplant picks Taylor-ed to your favorite era! Inspired by Taylor Swift's iconic albums, we've curated a collection of houseplants that perfectly reflect each era's style and vibe. Whether you’re a die-hard Swiftie or just looking for some plant inspiration, we've got you covered! Let's dive in and explore these Taylor-inspired houseplants, complete with care tips for each.

Taylor Swift Succulents & Cacti
Fearless Ficus
Speak now orchids
Red Cordyline
1989 Bromeliad
Reputation Snake Plant
Lover Anthurium
Folklore Ferns
Evermore Hanging Baskets
Midnights Calathea

Taylor Swift – Succulents & Cacti

Let’s start at the very beginning with Taylor Swift’s debut album. Much like Taylor’s rise to stardom, succulents and cacti are resilient, low-maintenance plants that can handle a variety of conditions. They're perfect for a new plant parent, just like Taylor’s early hits introduced her to the world.

Care Tip: Provide your succulents and cacti with well-draining soil and plenty of sunlight. Water sparingly—typically only when the soil is completely dry. Try to avoid overwatering, as it can lead to root rot.

Fearless – Ficus

As Taylor’s career flourished, so did her musical Fearless-ness. Enter the ficus! This bold and dynamic plant, like Taylor's confident and heartfelt album, adds a statement piece to any space. Choose between a fiddle leaf, rubber plant, or a variety of others for your own version of fearless foliage.

Care Tip: Ficus plants prefer bright, indirect sunlight and enjoy consistent moisture. Keep the soil evenly moist but not waterlogged, and maintain stable temperatures to prevent leaf drop.

Speak Now – Orchids

Speak Now is all about elegant ballads and storytelling, and orchids capture that sophistication. These delicate beauties demand your full attention and care, just like the stunning narratives Taylor delivers on this album. Their unique blooms will add a touch of elegance to any room.

Care Tip: Orchids thrive in a multitude of watering and light requirements depending on the variety of orchid. Make sure to ask our Green Team what is the best care for the orchid of your choosing. 

Red – Cordyline

The vibrant and eclectic mix of styles in Taylor's Red album is perfectly mirrored by the colorful foliage of the cordyline plant. With its variety of shades and hues, cordyline adds a pop of color reminiscent of Red's diverse musical palette.

Care Tip: Cordyline enjoys bright, indirect light and moist, well-draining soil. Water regularly but avoid waterlogged soil. Maintain moderate humidity levels and feed during the growing season for vibrant foliage. These plants are great for shaded patios and porches for this time of year!

1989 – Bromeliads

Take a leap into the modern era with 1989 and the bold, tropical look of bromeliads. These stunning plants bring a bit of wild to your home with their striking colors and distinctive rosette shape. Embrace the new and leave the old behind with these vibrant plants.

Care Tip: Bromeliads thrive in bright, indirect light and appreciate moderate humidity. Water them sparingly, only when the top layer of soil is dry. 

Reputation – Snake Plants

Channel the mysterious, edgy vibes of Reputation with snake plants. These tough, low-light, and low-maintenance plants are as fearless and resilient as Taylor's lyrics in Reputation. Plus, they add a modern, sleek touch to any room.

Care Tip: Snake plants are known for their adaptability and can tolerate low light, though they prefer bright, indirect light. Water infrequently, allowing the soil to dry completely between waterings. Be careful not to overwater, as this can lead to root rot.

Lover – Anthuriums

Celebrate the dreamy, romantic era of Lover with the heart-shaped blooms of anthuriums. These gorgeous, vibrant plants reflect the soft, colorful aesthetics of the album, infusing your space with a playful and loving atmosphere.

Care Tip: Anthuriums thrive in bright, indirect light and enjoy a consistently moist soil. Keep the soil damp but not soggy, and maintain higher humidity levels for the best blooms. Feed every 6 to 8 weeks during the growing season for consistent flowers.

Folklore – Ferns

Transport yourself to the enchanting world of Folklore with delicate ferns. Their feathery fronds evoke the lush, natural imagery present throughout the album, creating a cozy and whimsical setting for storytelling and introspection.

Care Tips: Ferns enjoy bright, indirect light and high humidity. Keep the soil consistently moist, but be careful not to overwater. Mist the fronds regularly or place them near a humidifier to maintain the required humidity levels.

Evermore – Hanging Baskets

Capture the dreamy, ethereal feel of Evermore with an array of hanging baskets. Fill them with trailing ivy, tradescantia, or spider plants for a romantic, elevated touch that embodies the album’s enchanting, otherworldly aesthetic.

Care Tip: Hanging baskets typically contain trailing plants that enjoy bright, indirect light. Water them when the top inch of soil is dry. Consider the plant's needs—some prefer high humidity and consistent moisture, while others like ivy appreciate slightly drier conditions.

Midnights – Calathea

End your journey with the mesmerizing patterns of calathea, inspired by the mystical vibes of Midnights. These captivating plants bring an air of mystery and creativity to your space, much like the introspective, late-night musings of Taylor's latest album.

Care Tip: Calathea thrives in medium, indirect light and requires consistently moist soil. High humidity is essential for their well-being, so mist regularly or place the plant near a humidifier. Keep the temperature stable to prevent stress on the plant.


There you have it! Our guide to houseplant picks Taylor-ed to your favorite era, now 

complete with care tips. Whether you're drawn to the innocence of Taylor Swift or the dreamy sophistication of Folklore, there's a plant here that will speak to you. So grab your watering can and your favorite album, and let's get some new houseplants! To keep inspired and grow with us, follow us on FacebookInstagramPinterest, and TikTok to dig into the joys of gardening!