
From the McDonald Garden Center Blog

10 Things You Didn't Know About Bees

Bees, the insect that consistently amazes us with their various abilities, are an integral part of our environment.  As nature's tiny superheroes, bees work tirelessly to create wonders that amaze us all. From pollination to honey-making, there is much to discover about these creatures beyond that bottle of honey sitting next to your breakfast spread. Today, we're delving into the remarkable lives of these buzzing creatures to uncover the mysteries behind honey production, hive dynamics, and more.

What Every Garden Needs for Hummingbirds, Bees, & Butterflies

We love seeing busy bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds flitting about the garden center as they pollinate our vast collection of plants. It tells us that the warm weather is here to stay and sunny days are ahead of us! You too can have these famed garden visitors in your neck of the woods by placing the blooms, foliage, and products they love to eat and drink from in your garden.   

Pollinator of the Week: Bees

National Pollinator Week is almost here! McDonald Garden Center, along with the rest of America, will be celebrating this week-long event. This week is dedicated to the conservation and education of our favorite friendly fliers. The past two weeks in June, we have had a “Pollinator of the Week” blog on the amazing pollinators we know and love.