Colorful Blooms

From the McDonald Garden Center Blog

Our Best Blooms in Stock Now

We are stocked to the max with plants now that we are in spring, which means we have blooms galore! But, which ones should you keep your eye out for this season? In this blog, we are mentioning some of our top blooming beauties from Proven Winners and how to incorporate them into your garden. 


Is your garden looking a bit dull? High temperatures have taken a toll on just about everyone’s garden. But no one needs to finish out the summer with drab outdoor surroundings. There’s a wonderful group of plants that provide late summer color (and into fall) that are not only beautiful but drought tolerant too. Keep in mind when planting any perennials, trees or shrubs at this time of year, no matter how drought tolerant they may be, you’ll need to provide regular watering to get them established. After they have rooted in, you can gradually cut back on watering.