
From the McDonald Garden Center Blog

Everything You Need to Know About Philodendrons

Welcome to the jungle, plant enthusiasts! If you've ever wanted to bring a touch of the tropics into your home, look no further than the fascinating world of philodendrons. These lush and leafy companions are not just easy-to-care-for plants; they come in a wide variety of styles to suit your home. In this blog, we will teach you everything you need to know about these charming botanical buddies.

Our 5 Fave Philodendrons

Philodendrons are one of the most popular and versatile houseplants out there. With a wide variety of shapes, sizes, and colors, they not only add jungle vibes to any room, they are also easy-to-care for. In this blog, we'll be sharing our top 5 favorite philodendrons in stock right now and why we love them. Whether you're an experienced plant parent, or just starting out, these plants are sure to catch your eye and bring a touch of color to your home. So, let's dive in and discover a new fave philodendron!