Veggie Gardening

From the McDonald Garden Center Blog

Our Top 6 Veggies in Stock

Our Adventures in Veggieland have started today so we wanted to explore the top six Chef Jeff brand veggies we have in stock right now to help you find a new favorite! From spicy peppers to juicy tomatoes and everything in between, get ready to tantalize your taste buds.

Best Tips for Veggie Harvesting

Whether you're a seasoned gardener or just starting to dig in the dirt, these tried-and-true tips on veggie harvesting will help you unlock the full potential of your garden’s bounty. So put on your gardening gloves, grab a basket, and let's pick out the secrets of a picture perfect summer harvest!   Go for the Gold (ilocks):

5 Tips for Starting Seeds

As the spring approaches and the sun starts to shine brighter, it's the perfect time to start thinking about your garden. Whether you're an experienced gardener or a newbie, starting plants from seeds is a rewarding and satisfying process that allows you to take part in the miracle of life. However, starting seeds can be tricky, and many gardeners find it challenging to get their plants to sprout. In this blog post, we'll provide you with five practical tips for starting seeds successfully.

The Top 5 Tomatoes to Grow this Season

There is nothing like a fresh tomato picked straight from the vine and perfectly placed in your favorite sandwich or tossed salad. It’s time to start planting up these delectable delights for harvest later in the summer here in the Hampton Roads area. But with so many choices when it comes to varieties and flavors, what should you pick? We are here to help with our top 5 tomato choices from Chef Jeff’s for this 2022 spring season as well as some tips to get those tomatoes on your plate as soon as possible.

Spring Edible Gardening

Spring edible gardening is one of the most fruitful plantings of the year, with dozens of edible plants to choose from, as well as the sun rising/setting in the perfect course for optimal growing. Whether you have been growing your own food for years or you are just starting, it is always great to fill your mind with helpful hints and tricks to having a bountiful harvest throughout the season. Here are some of our best practices for growing edible plants for your family and friends.   

5 Ideas for Creating a Kitchen Garden

Starting your own kitchen garden in your home is not only simple but enjoyable to put together and maintain. Kitchen gardens are designed to be indoor and outdoor spaces that promote the fresh use of fruits, veggies, and herbs.

Timing Your Fall Veggie Garden

Did you know fall is the perfect time get a delicious veggie garden going? In fact, cooler temperatures make this a great time to plant these crops -- many are even tastier and sweeter harvested after a light frost. If you've never grown fall veggies before, we recommend a crop of leaf lettuce, kale, swiss chard and spinach. These easy to grow plants are great for small spaces like a pallet garden and can often be harvested over many weeks.