
From the McDonald Garden Center Blog

Our Best in Birding: Top Products in Stock Now

At McDonald Garden Center, we're thrilled to present our finest selection of birding products that will create a haven for local feathered friends right in your backyard. From premium bird seed to innovative feeders and charming birdhouses, we have everything you need to attract a diverse array of birds to your garden. Let's take a closer look at our top products:

Landscape Blog Series: Winter Birding

The McDonald Garden Center Landscape Design and Installation division is one of the cornerstones of our organization. Landscapes are a way for gardeners to express themselves, and their space, while enjoying all the outdoors has to offer. For National Birding Day, we consulted one of our expert designers, Lisa Hulme, to tell us about how winter birding can be a great way to add features to your landscape as well as invite more feathered friends in your garden.