
From the McDonald Garden Center Blog

Feeding Your Plants This Summer

During the warmest months of the year, keeping your plants fed is an important part of helping them not only survive but thrive. We love to see our plants looking happy, so why not give them a little help? Here is the best information for keeping your plants growing beautifully all summer long. Granular vs. Liquid

The Basics & Beyond, 10 Must-Have Spring Gardening Essentials

As the frost begins to melt and the days become warmer and longer, spring fever begins to set in. It won’t be long until we’ll be able to go outside and dig in dirt once again! If you haven’t already, now is the perfect time to begin thinking about and prepping for your spring garden. Whether you're interested in edible gardening, seed starting, or just love to grow flowers, we’re here to help. We've been growing Hampton Roads gardeners for 75 years and our number one goal has always been one thing -- to make you a success in the garden.