Growing with the Guru: Winter Pruning Seminar

Growing with the Guru: Winter Pruning Seminar
Independence Blvd Location

Is your garden looking a little overgrown? Have no fear! Mike Westphal, the Garden Guru, is here to help you prune your garden into the masterpiece you've always wanted it to be during "Growing with the Guru: Winter Pruning Seminar." The first of Mike's new in store series, this seminar includes a comprehensive exploration of precise cuts, strategic trims, and horticultural finesse that will elevate your pruning skills to new heights. Mike will be diving deep into the intricacies of winter pruning techniques, providing insights into the secret cuts and snips that transform ordinary branches into horticultural masterpieces. The unique aspect? It's not just theory – Mike will be demonstrating these techniques in real-time, a rare and special event, allowing you to witness the art of pruning firsthand. Don't miss the opportunity to learn and witness the art of pruning with the Garden Guru exclusively at our Independence Blvd. location on January 20th, 2024, at 11AM. Seminar is FREE. Walk-ins welcome, no registration required. Seating is limited. 

Keep growing with the Guru all year long, as this is just the first of many seminars on his 2024 calendar. Stay tuned for what's next with the Garden Guru through our website, Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, and more.