
From the McDonald Garden Center Blog

Everything You Need to Know About Geraniums

Geraniums have been delighting gardeners and flower enthusiasts for centuries. With their vibrant hues and delicate petals, they have been a beloved sight in gardens, window sills, and balconies alike. But what exactly are geraniums, and what do you need to know about them? Especially when you’re growing them in your garden? In this blog, we are going to discuss the in’s & out’s of geraniums, where they come from, and how to care for them.

From Garden to Table: Exploring the Sustainable Benefits of Tomatoes

Tomatoes are not only a delicious choice for your salads and sauces, but are also a smart choice for the environmentally conscious among us. Here are a few reasons why we feel tomatoes are sustainable and how they can contribute to a more eco-friendly food system for you and your family:  

Petunia Power: Tips for Growing and Caring for Your Petunias

Petunias, those delightful flowering plants with their colorful blooms, are a power to behold in any garden. But growing and caring for these powerhouses of the annual plant world takes a bit of know-how and care. So, whether you're a seasoned gardener or a newcomer to the world of flora, here are some great tips for growing and caring for your petunias.

What's New from Proven Winners

Spring has sprung and it's time to add some color to your garden! Proven Winners, one of our most trusted brands for top-performing plants, has some exciting new additions to their collection that we carry at our year-round locations and Garden Markets that are sure to be the perfect new additions to any garden this spring. 

10 Spring Shrubs You Need in Your Garden

Spring is the season of new beginnings, with nature awakening from its winter slumber and bursting into a vibrant display of colors and scents. As the weather starts to warm up, it’s the perfect time to plant some new shrubs in your garden. Here are 10 spring shrubs that are sure to add beauty and interest to your outdoor space.

Our Top 5 Newest Arrivals

It's the perfect time to bring a little bit of that beauty into your own garden and we are thrilled to announce our top 5 newest arrivals that will surely add a burst of color and vibrancy to your outdoor space. From delicate pansies to show-stopping rhododendrons, each of these plants is unique and special in their own way. So, read on to discover our newest arrivals and find your perfect match.

Hoppiness Starts with Breakfast

Memories of Easter can last a lifetime, whether it's an egg hunt in the garden or gathering around a table for a meal with the family. We are here to help celebrate time with the family by sharing our homemade bunny pancakes! 

Put the Power to the Petal with These Spring Annuals

The weather in Hampton Roads is starting to warm up, which means it’s a perfect time to get out in the garden with both our newest varieties of plants, as well as those tried and true favorites. Big, bright blooms give your landscape and patio loads of personality and the best part about adding in annuals is that it is completely customizable. We have collected some of our most popular annual blooms of the season for you to keep on your radar when plotting out your spring annual garden.   

Appreciating Mr. Anderson

This week we are admiring the man that started it all, our founder, Eddie Anderson. McDonald Garden Center has been locally owned and operated for over 75 years and this legacy could not have happened without the passion of growing, selling, and educating the community of Hampton Roads from Mr. Anderson.

Spring in Hampton Roads - Gardening To Do List

Is spring really spring without your favorite garden center? We have been serving Hampton Roads’ needs for over 75 years with our expertise, gardening advice, and unique plant material. So, we definitely know what you need to make your garden pop this season. To help make the process even easier, we have collected some spring tips that you can check off your to-do list this national gardening month.