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Welcome to your go-to guide for houseplant picks Taylor-ed to your favorite era! Inspired by Taylor Swift's iconic albums, we've curated a collection of houseplants that perfectly reflect each era's style and vibe. Whether you’re a die-hard Swiftie or just looking for some plant inspiration, we've got you covered! Let's dive in and explore these Taylor-inspired houseplants, complete with care tips for each.

At McDonald Landscapes, we're passionate about turning outdoor spaces into stunning, functional landscapes that bring joy to our clients. Landscape Designer Georgia Replogle shares her secrets for transforming a blank patch of garden bed into a low-maintenance, beautifully landscaped rock path over on our McDonald Landscapes YouTube channel! If you're considering revamping your own backyard space, Georgia's design is full of inspiration and ideas on how to level up your low-maintenance landscape. 

Million bells, also known as Calibrachoa, is a vibrant annual flower that is closely related to petunias. With its small, bell-shaped blooms and cascading growth, million bells is a favorite for gardeners looking to add a burst of color to their landscapes, porches, or containers. In this blog post, we will walk you through everything you need to know to successfully garden with million bells.

Now that the spring season is here, we're diving headfirst into the sweet world of strawberry gardening. Growing strawberries is a fun growing experience as it is not only fruitful, but easy to plant and tend to, making it fun for everyone! Our Green Team has gathered their expert advice here for you to get started on your strawberry growing journey.