The Blog

At McDonald Garden Center, we're thrilled to present our finest selection of birding products that will create a haven for local feathered friends right in your backyard. From premium bird seed to innovative feeders and charming birdhouses, we have everything you need to attract a diverse array of birds to your garden. Let's take a closer look at our top products:

In the world of houseplants, there's one category that stands out for its ability to thrive in almost any environment: succulents and cacti. These plants aren't just resilient, they also bring a unique aesthetic to your home decor. But there's more to these desert darlings than meets the eye. Let's dive into five unexpected aspects of succulents and cacti that make them perfect for bringing into your home.

Bromeliads are more than just pretty decorations; they are fascinating organisms with a plethora of secrets waiting to be uncovered. Whether you're a seasoned gardener or a budding enthusiast, join us in this blog as we explore five intriguing facts about bromeliads that might just leave you in awe.

Welcome to the mysterious world of calathea plants! This stunning foliage genus are beloved by plant enthusiasts for their intricate patterns, vibrant colors, and unique characteristics. But behind their lovely allure lies a secret: calatheas can be a tad temperamental when it comes to care. Fear not, fellow plant lovers, for today we embark on a journey into the clandestine realm of calathea care, uncovering the insider secrets to keeping these houseplants thriving.

Welcome to the fascinating world of orchids! These exotic and elegant flowers have captured the hearts of houseplant enthusiasts and collectors alike.